
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mark Ballas' hair through the years :)

Since everyone is all a BUZZ about Mark's summer haircut (I know, I know, that was baaaaaaddddd lol), I thought I'd share a few of his more interesting hairstyles from earlier days. :) I'm rather fond of his longer hair, actually. Ok, who am I kidding...he sort of looks good in any hairstyle. How is that possible? o.O

We'll start with the buzz cut for the summer:

Now, we know what his current style varies a little from week to week...thicker, thinner, blown, gelled...but here are a few of the more interesting styles I've come across:

The hairstyle all curly haired kids get:

The Vanilla Ice look:

Marky was introduced to the hairdryer:

A little longer:

Longer and with a straightening perm:

Gave up on the straightening:

The Vincent Vega look:

The ponytail:

And finally...the Afro:

I love every single one of them :D I'm really fond of the pony tail and the buzz cut. hehehe :) Which is your favorite?


  1. He looks epically beautiful under any circumstances but I've gotta say the buzz cut makes him look lovelier than ever before—definitely my favorite! :))

  2. Agreed! :D Definitely a really good look for him :)
