
Thursday, June 17, 2010

My mom, YouTube, & Team Shark (oh, and Marky too)

I introduced my mother to YouTube yesterday. I got her a new phone (the Palm Pixi) and it has a YouTube app. I showed her and she immediately said "OMG, I can watch Mark and Shawn dance on my phone??" Seriously, she's a hugeTeam Shark fan. HUGE. :)

Ok, so am I. ;)

Anyhoo, after watching a few Team Shark dances and a few Shawn gymnastics videos, I showed her the videos of Cheryl and Mark dancing for Cheryl's Philippine Disaster Fundraiser and she really enjoyed them. The charity event was back on December 20th, 2009 at the Cheryl Burke Dance Studio in San Francisco. They danced Mark and Shawn's Cha Cha from season 8 and Cheryl and Gilles' Tango from season 8. They learned the dances in only a half hour, if I remember right. :) Cheryl looks gorgeous (love the dresses) and Mark looks handsome (oh, and watch out ladies....bare chest! .... on Mark, not Cheryl. Because that would be a whole different kind of show.....)  I've posted the videos previously - if you would like to watch them again (highly recommended) you can see the post here:

I'll add this video to the mix....a little behind the scenes video from the charity event. Cheryl and Mark taught a little bit at the fundraiser too. :)

The point of this post? Well, it's because 1) it's so cute to see my mom excited about Shark. She thinks they should get married. LOL and 2) watching the previously mentioned videos led mom and I to watch more videos and I came across this rehearsal video of the pros from season 9. I remember this one....Marky gets a little upset in this video. Angry!Marky. Me no likey. Me likey Happy!Marky. Yes. :D

But, aside from the brief second of Angry!Marky, this is a really cool video. I LOVE behind the scenes stuff for anything. I love to see how things work. How things are done. I love DVDs that give you hours of 'making of' footage. So fascinating. :) So, this one gave us a lot of footage of the pros rehearsing, which we don't get to see often on DWTS. They never show a rehearsal package before pro dances. *sadface*

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