
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mark's tattoos

Mark has 3 tattoos - one his back, side, and wrist. :

Side tattoo:
photo copyright Mark Ballas, 2009

A couple shots of the side tattoo from the tattoo shop...not sure who to credit here. If you know, let me know! :D Thanks!
previous 2 photos copyright unknown

Back tattoo:
photo copyright Mister Cartoon, 2008

Update: Thanks to Karina, we have a new pic of the back tattoo. She says that the angel is generic, it is not of Joanna.
photo copyright Karina Smirnoff, 2010

Wrist tattoo:
photo copyright Carlos Lopez, 2009

photo copyright Mark Ballas, 2010

(updated: changed the text in the post. More simplified.)


  1. The Angel tattoo came before the scripture one.

  2. Thanks! I figured I was wrong. :) I few people told me. I thought I remembered seeing the scripture first, but I must have remembered wrong :D
