
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Mark talking about lingerie ad

Mark and some of the other dancers talk about a lingerie ad that was banned by ABC:

I haven't seen the ad either, so I don't know if it's too 'racy' - but honestly, it can't be any worse than some of the rumba's I've seen on DWTS (Julianne, I'm looking at you and your black lace). ;)  I actually think DWTS needs to tone down the costumes a little.  Shawn had to wear very conservative outfits, yet she looked gorgeous and sexy. You don't have to be in minimal fabric to be sexy. The mystery is sexy. But whatever, who am I, right? I think I'm becoming a minority in a world full of people who only think about sex. *sigh*

UPDATE: here is the ad. I suppose the end is why it got banned? Since she's basically going out in public in her underwear. The rest of the ad is fine though. What do you think?

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